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    Thanks for the message!  I appreciate your taking the time to respond, and your English is certainly vastly better than my French.  I appreciate your pointing me to the page with the licensing information.  From the little I can tell, it looks like the license wouldn't prohibit me from listing the books in an app.

    I will look into things some more.  I am not sure how difficult the technical side would be.  I haven't found a way to access the whole catalog through an RSS feed or something similar, so I would probably need to find a way to extract the catalog data from the web site, which might be difficult.  I think people would find it useful, though.  About 30,000 people have installed the LibriVox app, and it seems to get quite a bit of use.  Given the size of the Francophone world, I suspect there would be significant interest in accessing the Litterature Audio books via Android, as well.

    Thanks again!

